BLU Gauntlet Accessory

Build your own super hero…

What super hero traits would you want to have while crushing your opponent in VerseU? Now is the time to pick out which fit your style or personal preference. We have absolutely no info right now so your guess is as good as mine… A good assumption is at least a visual modifier and most likely will impact gameplay meta.

What Accessory suites your style in the BLU Gauntlet NFT Collection?


I’ll be going from the most common to most rare BLU Gauntlet Accessories from the OpenSea Collection settings. Some of these I will batch because there are limits on how you can combine them or there are similar styles. Some can be mixed, some don’t play well with others…
Examples of limits:

  • Tenticles OR Ring (Green or Yellow)
  • Veenom CANNOT be combined with another accessory
  • Forearm accessories cannot be combined: Cape, Iron God, Aquadude, Bone
  • Watches and Rings must be one or the other, NEVER BOTH
  • You can only have one kind of armour: Bloody Armour, Rope Armour, Armour, Darkside Armour

We have no gameplay info

Seriously… we have no idea what any of this does in the game so please keep that in mind. I’m HOPING all of these translate into character, fighting move and combat meta… but… Nothing has been released and so just assume all answers are wrong until you see it on the BLU community discord. **YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED**

Super Cape

This is the iconic Superman red cape. It’s easy to spot and looks like you’re ready to take off.

Super Cape Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea

Gold & Green Watch

There are two watch styles. This could be for looks… only TIME will tell.
This can be combined with most other accessories. NOT veenom.

Gold Watch Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea
Green Watch Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea

Iron God

Like the chest plate on the Mark VI, this has the triangle reactor and some armor for show.

Iron God Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea


Fish scales in teal is iconic in it’s own way. We don’t know if this will help you talk to fish or just not die if you fall off the map in an ocean level.

Aquadude Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea


That doesn’t look good… or right… or comfortable. Yessir it’s a bone sticking out; and Damage or Health or Defense might need some help if this goes on any longer.

Bone Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea

Bloody Armour

You do have armor… but it looks like you’ve seen better days. I’m sure the other guy is worse.

Bloody Armour Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea


You MUST be fast. Real fast.

Flash Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea


You must train REALLY hard… or power up a LOT… Like over 9000.

DBZ Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea


Thanos would be proud that you’ve gathered them all in one place.

Gems Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea

Rope Armour

Clearly you’ve made a few knots in your time. Some would call you daring. Maybe a bit of a DEVIL.

Rope Armour Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea

Darkside Armour

For his HONOR. Death will follow. I wonder if this has anything to do with that red cape?

Darkside Armour Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea


You look like you can take a hit. Stay still for me.

Armour Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea

Lantern Ring

Green is the color of WILL POWER. Brightest Day and Darkest Night. Beware my Might.

Lantern Ring Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea


Is it the precious or is it just FEAR to bring balance. For every good guy… you need a bad one.

Ring Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea


When you’ve summoned too many demons and absorbed their power… Am I right… am I wrong? They hug so good tho.

Tenticles Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea


This is a very different kind of precious… it won’t let YOU go. May the symbiosis work in your favor; and not the other way around. It will not allow any other accessory to be present on the gauntlet. It needs your complete focus and attention. The bloody effect looks exceptionally well with it.

Veenom Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea

Hidden DBZ

This one is a funny one. It’s limited… or only present with another trait. This dragonball is a secret, hidden by whatever covers the back of the hand on the image. This could be: Bloody Armour, Rope Armour, Armour, Darkside Armour, Mummy Hand

We don’t know if this could be different from the other dragonball accessory… or if your opponent will just not be aware of the trait until you use it in the fight.

Hidden DBZ Accessory Search in BLU Gauntlet NTF on OpenSea