BLU Twins? Just another rarity trait or is there utility?
These were a fluke… a twist of fate…
Although the complete collection of BLU Gauntlets were intended to be truly unique, through creation and chaos there were a few sets of exact matches.
BossLogic Gauntlets with the same properties as another are labeled “twin”.
So far we have no idea how the Twin trait will come into the game but for now there are special events.
Twin Gauntlet Upgrade Events
During the Twin gauntlet Legendary Redemption window you may convert one of your twin gauntlets into a Legendary.
The BLU mythos states that when both twins are possessed by one user, a ceremonial sacrifice can be done, one of them ascends to legendary status and the other becomes the sole survivor.
BLU NFT Gauntlet Twin Info
how many original twins were created?
68 Gauntlets were created of the original 10,000 resulting in 34 matching Twin sets.
Do they have any in game utility?
We do not know at this time.
How do I get the Legendary?
You need to have both matching twin gauntlets in the same wallet and submit your request through the official form during one of the Legendary Redemption windows.
The organization will provide you with the form and announce the windows. We do no yet have a schedule. Check here in the Discord.
How do I know if I have a Twin Gauntlet?
Find your Gauntlet on OpenSea and scroll down to the “Property” tab and expand the view. You’ll see various traits and options. You’re looking for the “twin”
See image below \/
How do I search for a Twin to purchase?
Go to OpenSea and Filter your search by “Properties” and select “Twin.”
See image below \/
Checking if your Gauntlet is a Twin:
Find your Gauntlet on OpenSea and scroll down to the “Property” tab
Looking for Twins on OpenSea
Go to OpenSea and Filter your search by “Property” and select “Twin”